Morning Star Lutheran
You are welcome to join us here at Morning Star to learn from Holy Scriptures about sin and repentance, and also God’s gifts of forgiveness and eternal life through our Savior, Jesus Christ. New Here? Call Us TodayOur Mission
Our mission as individual Christians and as a Christian church was established by the Lord Jesus Himself when He said: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matt. 28:18-20)
In His command to make disciples of all nations, Jesus gave us the tools: baptism in the name of the Triune God and teaching all of the Bible. He gave the additional directive: “Go!”
By the grace of God Morning Star has established and maintains a ministry in church that focuses on teaching all of the counsel of God. It welcomes any and all to join us in this work. We offer mutual encouragement to witness to our Savior. As a church we continue to seek ways and opportunities to go out near and far with the life-saving Gospel of Christ.
Our Doctrine
Jesus has established that only the Word of God is to shape what is taught in His Church. We therefore believe and teach that:
- The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and therefore the sole rule for teaching
- The word and opinion of men are not to add to nor subtract from the Word of God
- The two chief teachings are the Law of God, which points out the sin of mankind, and the Gospel of Christ, which points out the Savior from sin.
- These two teachings are to be properly distinguished and the Gospel is to be predominant.
- Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, is the only Savior for sinners. By His holy, substitutionary death on the cross, He has redeemed and justified every sinner.
- The Holy Spirit is responsible for the gracious work of sanctification whereby the spiritually dead sinner is brought to faith in Christ and preserved in that faith until safely entering eternal life in heaven.
- The Holy Spirit does this work of grace through the means of grace: the Gospel in the Bible and in Baptism and in the Lord’s Supper.
- The LORD God is not willing that any sinner should die eternally but that all should come to know Jesus and thus have eternal life. To that end we seek to share the precious Gospel message of Jesus, His life and His work, with everyone.
Morning Star subscribes wholeheartedly and without reservation to:
- The Apostolic, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds
- The Augsburg Confession and its Apology (1530)
- Martin Luther’s Small and Large Catechism
- The Smalcald Articles (1537)
- The Formula of Concord (1577)
- The Brief Statement (1932)
- Concerning Church Fellowship (1962)
You can download a pdf copy of the “CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose” HERE.
We believe that Christ’s death on the cross paid for each and every sin of each and every person on earth. We believe that therefore whoever has trust in this promise of God receives the benefits of that act, namely eternal salvation. We believe that the Bible is the pure and perfect word of God given to men for the purpose of telling us this wonderful news and that whatever it says is absolute truth. With joy and thankfulness we promote and spread this same message to every corner of the globe, in order that all men might hear, believe, and receive salvation.
Find out more about our mission at
“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,” (Romans 3:23-24)
Who We Are
Morning Star Lutheran
Morning Star Lutheran Church is first and foremost people–people united around the Word of God to praise, learn, and share. We praise our Lord for the salvation He earned for all mankind on the cross. We learn about His love through hearing and studying Scripture. We share our faith and joy in the Savior with one another, and with the rest of the world.
Preaches the Gospel
We believe that our primary purpose is to proclaim the good news that sins are freely forgiven before God through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross in our place. Our purpose is not to promote social or political causes.
Is Faithful to Scripture
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, therefore it contains no errors or “myths.” We regard the Bible as the source of truth for all spiritual teachings.sins are freely forgiven before God through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross in our place. Our purpose is not to promote social or political causes.
Clings to Christ
We believe that faith in Jesus is the sure way to heaven. Good works, prayer, and holiness of life are the results of faith in Christ, but never the cause of faith or salvation.
Is Affiliated with the CLC
Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC). In North America, this small Lutheran synod comprises approximately 9,000 souls in 75 congregations (23 states, 2 provinces). The CLC is also in fellowship with certain church bodies in India and Africa.
Is Honest About Sin
We believe that, by nature, all people are sinful and would be eternally lost without faith in Christ. We preach repentance of sins and forgiveness through Jesus, not the mere removal of “guilt feelings.”

Our Pastor: Chad Seybt
Bio Here.